
Want Organic Premiums and Clean Fields?

AgriSecure understands that making the decision to “go organic” on some (or all) of your acres is a big deal. In particular, starting the transition process requires confidence in Weed Management practices and tools. AgriSecure has developed a FREE Guide to help farmers gain a better understanding of how weed management can be possible in […]

Long-Term Organic Success = Rotation, Rotation, Rotation

You’ve heard the saying, “location, location, location.” The real estate mantra is used to remind people that where a property is located is often the most important factor in its value. In organic farming, the same can be said about rotation. Having the right rotation in place is critical for year-to-year success and the long-term […]

Ag Tech Makes Large-Scale Organics Possible. And Profitable!

Many farmers believe modern ag technology doesn’t apply to organic production. And there is some truth to that. Many organic farmers have small, 40-acre operations where technology isn’t used. But for large-scale organic row-crop operations, a lot of the technology used on conventional farms can still be utilized, and often will result in a higher […]

5th-Generation Farmer Profits with Hog Manure in Organics

When Rusty Olson saw that the farm economy was “sliding sideways,” he started looking for opportunities to bring in more revenue from the farm. A fifth-generation farmer in Garner, Iowa, he had recently achieved his goal of expanding the family corn-and-soybean operation from 1,000 acres to 2,000. He wanted to focus on the farm and […]

Organic Transition Success Sits on a 3-Legged Stool

Becoming an organic producer does not happen overnight. Obtaining organic certification requires a 36-month period where a field has not had any prohibited substance or genetically modified crops on it. These 3 years known as the transition process can either set your organic operation up for success or struggles. To help ensure success, we recommend […]

Hidden Organic Acres? 6 Scenarios For a Faster Transition

The transition period to organic can be a challenging time for farmers. For 36 months you’re growing crops organically while still selling them at conventional prices, and it’s not unusual to see a yield drag along with higher costs. But there are some situations where you can go directly into organic or significantly reduce the […]

Protect Organic Profits with the Right Crop Insurance

One of the biggest concerns farmers have about transitioning into organics is that they’ll lose their crop insurance. But that’s a myth — there is government-subsidized crop insurance for both organic and transition acres, and the program is better today than it’s ever been. But take note. Guarantees, coverage details, building your actual production history […]

Profits and Soil Health Draw 4th-Generation Farmer to Organics

Chuck Thompson was tired of living hand-to-mouth. Like many farmers, he grew up on a traditional, corn-and-soybean operation in Humboldt, Iowa, and returned to it after college. Today, he and his brother farm with their father, making them the fourth generation of the family farm. But in the last decade, the Thompsons have struggled to […]

Demand for Organic Foods Sets Up Long-Term Benefits for Farmers

When Steve Merfeld heard Farmers Business Network (FBN) was investing in AgriSecure, he started to think about whether his 2,200-acre farm in Nashua, Iowa, should get into organic production. He presented the idea to two farmers he works with and they agreed to investigate further. After meeting with AgriSecure and reflecting on their experiences with […]